Google has been had a great stock market run over the past year, bolstered no doubt by its moonshot projects. But in last week's earnings call CEO Larry Page indicated his own unhappiness with the R&D issues Google faces. He might be looking in the wrong places and at the wrong issues.
The problem, as Page put it, is that being a substantially scaled company makes any innovation investment look potentially small.
"It's actually very difficult to spend meaningful amounts of money, relative to Google's scale, on things that are speculative," Page said.
That was in response to criticism of the moonshots. Jeff Bercovici, here on Forbes, summarizes:
Cars that drive themselves. Eyeglasses with tiny built-in computers. High-altitude balloons that carry the internet everywhere. A cure for aging.
So far so confusing. Google's investment in these projects is not exactly going to break the bank. But nor are they significantly new. Those high altitude balloons are fun but old technology. Google Glass is a heads-up display. There are plenty of them around. And Google has recouped much of the development cost by charging 10,000 people and organizations $1500 to experiment with them.
Intel just bought Recon, a company with a clear lead in this market, for a "considerable" sum. As it turns out consumer heads up displays are more likely to work best in specialist environments - data for serious skiers, communications devices for surgeons. Google popularized the idea we will all use them. But the reality will be different.
Page is also in danger of similar Valley-type hubris on self-driving cars, saying:
We changed the business from something that wasn't going to happen at all to something that's inevitable in people's feelings about it.
In fact one reaction to Google's driverless car was that Google got the conversation going but car companies like Mercedes were already there with much of the technology. The issues are more legal and systemic than technical.
I sense confusion in Page's musings. The problem he faces is how to replicate the success of Google the search engine, a success that owes a lot to his predecessor Eric Schmidt. And how to kick on from Android (an acquisition).
But when he starts to talk technology, you know he is looking the wrong way. Google's search success is ultimately founded on an entirely new ecosystem that he, Brin and Schmidt created.
That ecosystem consisted of all the people who had the get-up-and-go to create search engine optimization businesses, and all the content creators who poured their energies into blogs and new content websites and allowed Google to run its text ads in the sidebar.
Blogs were founded shortly after Google's rise in the search engine market and grew almost in step with Google's revenues. At that time, there was little to suggest Google was a better search engine than, says, Alltheweb. But what Google had was a promise of monetization for people creating content. And the combination of search engine savvy and content awareness gave tens of thousand of people work as SEO experts. Look at the data.
In 1999 blogs hardly existed. In 2004 Dave Sifry at Technorati reported there were 4 million blogs:
First off, we're now tracking over 4 Million weblogs. Regular readers will remember that we tracked the 3 Millionth weblog on July 7th, just 3 months ago. In addition, the blogosphere has been doubling at a regular pace, and it is now more than 8 times as large as it was in June of 2003. In addition, the slowest rate at which the blogosphere has doubled in size is once every 5 months.
By 2006 here were 50 million blogs. Without this sudden and dramatic production of content Google would have remained a good search engine with low revenues. The chart below shows Google's revenues and profits from 2004 onwards when blogging began to go stratospheric.

At this stage Google sat at the center or a content and SEO ecosystem. From 2007 onwards it began the same journey in mobile, with Android.
If there is an issue with Android it is that Google has not extended its revenue streams significantly beyond advertising in mobile, despite owning Motorola.
But Google continued to build its credentials as a master of ecosystem strategy.
In Google Glass, now, they have the most important crowdfunded, crowdsourced project about to hit the market. They are right on the edge of what crowds do for business. However, many of their projects, the moonshots, are not ecosystem-based and don't play to Google unique strengths. They are good window dressing but won't shift the business world the way blogs and Android have.
The challenge for Google is not technical. They will always fill in the technology spaces around their service offerings. It is a necessary but not a sufficient explanation of their success.
Instead they have to teach us more about their incredible success with ecosystems. No other company has created two of them, spawning tens of thousands of business each time, and monetizing them so successfully.
news by October 22, 2013 at 07:22PM
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